Selected publications
(updated 2013-09-22)
This page is divided into Highlights, 1. International Journals, 2. Conference proceedings, book chapters etc.:
Highlights (linked to pdf:s):
1.66 Andrén, O., Kätterer, T., Karlsson, T. and Eriksson, J. 2008. Soil C balances in Swedish agricultural soils 1990-2004, with preliminary projections. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 81:129-144.
1.65 Andrén, O., Kihara, J., Bationo, A., Vanlauwe, B. and Kätterer, T. 2007 Soil climate and decomposer activity in sub-Saharan Africa, estimated from standard weather station data – used in soil carbon balance calculations. Ambio 36:379-386.
1.64 Andrén, O., Kirchmann, H., Kätterer, T., Magid, J., Paul, E.A. and Coleman,D.C. 2008. Visions of a more precise soil biology. Eur J. Soil Sci. 59: 380-390.
1.37 Andrén, O., Brussaard, L. and Clarholm, M. 1999. Soil organism influence on ecosystem-level processes - bypassing the ecological hierarchy?Appl. Soil Ecol. 11:179-190.
2.29 O Andrén and T Kätterer. 2008. Agriculture Systems. In Sven Erik Jørgensen and Brian D. Fath (Editor-in-Chief), Ecosystems. Vol. [1] of Encyclopedia of Ecology, 5 vols. pp. [96-101] Oxford: Elsevier.
- International journals:
1.86 Andrén O, Zhao XY, Kätterer T, et al., 2016. Agroecosystem research in Uppsala, Sweden and Naiman, China: Some observations 1987–2014. Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions, 8(1): 0001–0008. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1226.2016.00001..
1.85 Luo, Y., XueYong ZHAO, Olof ANDRÉN, YangChun ZHU, WenDa HUANG. 2014. Artificial root exudates and soil organic carbon mineralization in a degraded sandy grassland in northern China. Journal of Arid Land, doi: 10.1007/s40333-014-0063-z.
1.84 Luo, Y., X. Zhao & O. Andrén. 2014. Soil organic carbon in relation to cultivation in arable and greenhouse cropping systems in Lanzhou, NW China. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Soil & Plant Science, DOI: 10.1080/09064710.2014.901407
1.83 Bolinder, M.A., J.G. Fortin., F. Anctil., O. Andrén., T. Kätterer., R. de Jong and L.E. Parent. 2013 . Spatial and temporal variability of soil biological activity in the Province of Québec, Canada (45-58oN, 1960-2009) – calculations based on climate records. Climatic Change 117:739-755.
1.82Andrén,O., T. Kätterer, J. Juston, B. Waswa and Kristina Röing de Nowina 2012..Soil carbon dynamics, climate, crops and soil type –calculations using introductory carbon balance model (ICBM) and agricultural field trial data from sub-Saharan Africa. African Journal of Agricultural Research 7(43):5800-5809. DOI: 10.5897/AJAR12.205.
1.81 Carlsson, M., O. Andrén, J. Stenström, H. Kirchmann & T. Kätterer. 2012. Charcoal Application to Arable Soil: Effects on CO2 Emissions. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 43:17, 2262-2273.
1.80 Parent, L. E., Cinara X. de Almeida, Amanda Hernandes, Juan J. Egozcue, Coskun Gülser, Martin A. Bolinder, Thomas Kätterer, Olof Andrén, Serge E. Parent, François Anctil, José F. Centurion, William Natale. 2012. Compositional analysis for an unbiased measure of soil aggregation. Geoderma 179-180:123–131.
1.79 Kynding Borgen S., A. Grønlund, O. Andrén, T, Kätterer, O.E. Tveito, L. Bakken and K. Paustian. 2012. Estimated CO2 emissions from cropland in Norway using IPCC default and Tier 2 methods. J Greenhouse Gas Measure. Managem. 2:5-21. DOI:10.1080/20430779.2012.672306
1.78 Kätterer, T., M.A. Bolinder, O. Andrén, H. Kirchmann and L. Menichetti. 2011. Roots contribute more to refractory soil organic matter than above-ground crop residues, as revealed by a long-term field experiment. Agric. Ecosyst. Environ. 141: 184-192.
1.77 Bolinder, M.A., O. Andrén., T. Kätterer and L.E. Parent. 2008. Soil organic carbon sequestration potential for Canadian Agricultural Ecoregions calculated using the Introductory Carbon Balance Model. Can. J. Soil Sci. 88: 451-460.
1.76 Fortin, J.G., M.A. Bolinder, F. Anctil, T. Kätterer, O. Andrén and L.E. Parent. 2011. Effects of climatic data low-pass filtering on the ICBM temperature- and moisture-based soil biological activity factors in a cool and humid climate. Ecological Modelling 222:3050- 3060.
1.75 Lokupitiya E., K. Paustian, M. Easter, S. Williams, O. Andrén and T. Kätterer. 2010. Carbon balance in US croplands during the last two decades of the 20th century. Biogeochemistry Online First™, 17 November 2010 .
1.74 van Wesemael, B., Keith Paustian, Olof Andrén, Carlos EP Cerri, Mike Dodd, Jorge Etchevers, Esther Goidts, Peter Grace, Thomas Kätterer, Brian G McConkey, Stephen Ogle, Genxing Pan, Clemens Siebner. 2011. How can soil monitoring networks be used to improve predictions of organic carbon pool dynamics and CO2 fluxes in agricultural soils? Plant and Soil 338:247–259.
1.73 Magid, J., De Nowina, K. R., Lindedam, J. and Andrén, O. 2010, Organic matter in size-density fractions after 16–50 years of grass ley, cereal cropping and organic amendments. European Journal of Soil Science, 61: 539–550
1.72 Juston J, Andrén O, Kätterer T, Jansson P-E. 2010. Uncertainty analyses for calibrating a soil carbon balance model to agricultural field trial data in Sweden and Kenya. Ecological Modeling 221:1880–1888.
1.71 Bolinder MA, Kätterer T, Andrén O, Ericson L, Parent L-E, Kirchmann H. 2010. Long-term soil organic carbon and nitrogen dynamics in forage-based crop rotations in Northern Sweden (63-64o N). Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 138:335-342.
1.70 Karlsson LOT, Delin S, Kätterer T, Berglund K and Andrén O. 2011. Calculating temporal and spatial variability of nitrogen mineralization within an arable field in Sweden. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica. Section B 61: 333-344.
1.69 Kätterer T and Andrén O. 2009. Predicting daily soil temperature profiles in arable soils from air temperature and leaf area index. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B - Soil and Plant Science 59: 77-86.
1.68 Kätterer, T., Andersson, L., Andrén, O. and Persson, J. 2008. Long-term impact of chronosequential land use change on soil carbon stocks on a Swedish farm. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 81:145-155.
1.67 Bolinder, M.A., Andrén, O., Kätterer, T., de Jong, R., VandenBygaart, A.J., Angers, D.A., Parent, L-E and Gregorich, E.G. 2007. Soil Carbon Dynamics in Canadian Agricultural Ecoregions : Quantifying Climatic Influence on Soil Biological Activity. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 122:461-470
1.66 Andrén, O., Kätterer, T., Karlsson, T. and Eriksson, J. 2008. Soil C balances in Swedish agricultural soils 1990-2004, with preliminary projections. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 81:129-144.
1.65 Andrén, O., Kihara, J., Bationo, A., Vanlauwe, B. and Kätterer, T. 2007 Soil climate and decomposer activity in sub-Saharan Africa, estimated from standard weather station data – used in soil carbon balance calculations. Ambio 36:379-386.
1.64 Andrén, O., Kirchmann, H., Kätterer, T., Magid, J., Paul, E.A. and Coleman,D.C. 2008. Visions of a more precise soil biology. Eur J. Soil Sci. 59: 380-390.
1.63. Kätterer T, Andrén O and Jansson P-E. 2006 Pedotransfer functions for estimating plant available water and bulk density in Swedish agricultural soils. Acta Agric Scand. Sec. B 56:263-276.
1.62 Röing, K. Andrén, O. Mattsson, L. 2006. ”Non-exchangeable” ammonium in soils from Swedish long-term agricultural experiments – mobilisation and effects of fertiliser application. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica 56, 197-205
1.61 Sindhøj, E., O. Andrén, T. Kätterer and S Gunnarsson. 2006. Projections of 30-year soil carbon balances for a semi-natural grassland under elevated CO2 based on measured root decomposability. Agric. Ecosyst. Environm. 114, 360-368.
1.60 Smith P., Smith J.U., Andrén O., Karlsson T., Perälä P., Regina K., Rounsevell M. and Wesemael B. 2005. Carbon sequestration potential in European croplands has been overestimated. Global Change Biol. 11: 2153–2163.
1.59 Reichstein M, Kätterer T, Schulze E-D, Andrén O, Ciais P, Cramer W, Papale D and Valentini R. 2005. Temperature sensitivity of decomposition in relation to soil organic matter pools: critique and outlook. Biogeosciences 2:317-321.
1.58 Reichstein M, Kätterer T, Andrén O, Ciais P, Schulze E-D, Cramer W, Papale D and Valentini R. 2005. Does the temperature sensitivity of decomposition vary with soil organic matter quality? Biogeosciences Discussions 2: 737-747.
1.57 Röing, K. Andrén, O. Mattsson, L. 2005. In press Long-term management effects on plant N uptake and top soil carbon levels in Swedish long-term field experiments – cereals and ley, crop residue treatment and fertiliser N application. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica 55, 16-22.
1.56 Röing, K. Goossens, A. Diels, J. Sanginga, N. Andrén, O. Vanlauwe, B. 2004. Initial nitrous oxide fluxes from a soil cropped with a maize-legume system in the derived savannah zone of Nigeria – effect of fertiliser and application of organic matter. West African Journal of Applied Ecology 6:47-54
1.55 Andrén O, Kätterer T and Karlsson T. 2004. ICBM regional model for estimations of dynamics of agricultural soil carbon pools. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 70:231-239.
1.54 Sindhøj, E., O. Andrén, T. Kätterer, M. Marissink & R. Pettersson. 2004. Root biomass, production and dynamics in a semi-natural grassland exposed to elevated atmospheric CO2 for five years. Acta Agiric. Scand. Sect. B, Soil and Plant Sci. 54:50-59.
1.53 Kätterer T Andrén O & Persson J 2004 The impact of altered management on long-term agricultural soil carbon stocks-a Swedish case study. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 70:179-187.
1.52 Karlsson,T., Andrén, O. and Kätterer, T. 2003. Management effects on topsoil carbon and nitrogen in Swedish long-term experiments - budget calculations with and without humus pool dynamics. European Journal of Agronomy 20:137-147.
1.51 Andrén, O. Kätterer, T. and Hyvönen, R. 2001. Predicting soil fauna influence on long-term soil carbon dynamics - soil fauna and carbon sequestration. Appl. Soil Ecol. 18:177-186.
1.50 Kätterer, T. and Andrén, O. 2001. The ICBM family of analytically solved models of soil carbon, nitrogen and microbial biomass dynamics - descriptions and application examples. Ecol. Mod. 136:191-207.
1.49 Sindhöj, E, Hansson, A.-C., Andrén, O., Kätterer, T., Marissink, M. and Pettersson, R. 2000. Root dynamics in a semi-natural grassland in relation to atmospheric carbon dioxide enrichment, soil water and shoot biomass. Plant and Soil 223:253-263.
1.48 Andrén, O., Kirchmann, H. and Pettersson, O. 1999. Reaping the benefits of cropping experiments. (A comment). Nature 399:14.
1.47 Andrén, O. and Balandreau, J. 1999. Biodiversity and soil functioning - from black box to can of worms? (Viewpoint paper) Appl. Soil Ecol. 13:105-108.
1.46 Kätterer, T., Reichstein, M., Andrén, O. and Lomander, A. 1998. Temperature dependence of organic matter decomposition: a critical review using literature data analyzed with different models. Biol. Fertil. Soils 27:258-262.
1.45 Kätterer, T. and Andrén, O. 1999 Growth dynamics of reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea L.) and its allocation of biomass and nitrogen below ground in a field receiving daily irrigation and fertilisation. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 54:21-29.
1.44 Kätterer, T. and Andrén, O. 1999. Long-term agricultural field experiments in Northern Europe: Analysis of the influence of management on soil carbon stocks using the ICBM model. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 72:165-179.
1.43 Kätterer, T., Eckersten, H., Andrén, O. and Pettersson, R. 1997. Winter wheat biomass and nitrogen dynamics under different fertilization and water regimes - application of a crop growth model. Ecological modelling 102:301-314.
1.42 Lomander, A. Kätterer, T. & Andrén, O. 1998. Carbon dioxide evolution from top- and subsoil as affected by moisture and constant and fluctuating temperature. Soil Biology &Biochemistry 30:2017-2022.
1.41 Lomander, A., Kätterer, T. & Andrén, O. 1998. Modelling the effects of temperature and moisture on CO2 evolution from top- and subsoil using a multi-compartment approach. Soil Biology &Biochemistry 30:2023-2030.
1.40 Paustian, K., O. Andrén, H.H. Janzen, R. Lal, P. Smith, G. Tian, H. Tiessen, M. van Noordwijk and P. Woomer. 1997. Agricultural soils as a sink to mitigate CO2 emissions. Soil Use and Management 13:230-244.
1.39 Swift, M., Andrén, O., Briones, M., Brussaard, L., Couteaux, MM, Ekschmitt, K., Kjöller, A., Loiseau, P., Smith, P. 1998. Global change, soil biodiversity and nitrogen cycling in three ecosystems: Three case studies. Global Change Biol. 4:729-743.
1.38 Smith, P., Andrén, O., Brussaard, L., Dangerfield, M., Ekschmitt, K., Lavelle, P., Van Noordwijk, M., Tate, K. 1998. Soil biota and global change at the ecosystem level: The role of soil biota in mathematical models. Global Change Biol. 4:773-784.
1.37 Andrén, O., Brussaard, L. and Clarholm, M. 1999. Soil organism influence on ecosystem-level processes - bypassing the ecological hierarchy? Appl. Soil Ecol. 11:179-190.
1.36 Kätterer, T., Andrén, O. and Petterson,R. 1998. Growth and nitrogen dynamics of reed canary-grass (Phalaris arundinacea L.) subjected to daily fertilization and and irrigation in the field. Field Crops Research 55:153 - 164.
1.35 Andrén, O. and Kätterer, T. 1997. ICBM - the Introductory Carbon Balance Model for exploration of soil carbon balances. Ecol. Appl. 7(4):1226-1236.
1.34 Kätterer, T. and Andrén, O. 1996. Measured and simulated nitrogen dynamics in winter wheat and a clay soil subjected to drought stress or daily irrigation and fertilization. Fertil. Res. 44:51-63.
1.33 Andrén,O., Elmquist, H. and Hansson, A.-C. 1996. Recording, processing and analysis of grass root images from a rhizotron. Plant and Soil 185:259-264.
1.32 Andrén, O., Kätterer, T. , Pettersson, R. Flink, M. & Hansson, A.-C. 1996. Nitrogen dynamics of crop and soil subjected to different water and nitrogen inputs, including daily fertilization/irrigation - measurements and modelling. Plant and Soil 181:13-17.
1.31 Sander, M.- L. and Andrén, O. 1997. Ash from cereal and rape straw used for heat production - liming effect, plant nutrient and heavy metal content. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 93:93-108.
1.30 Kätterer, T. and Andrén, O. 1995. Measurements and simulations of heat and water balance components in a clay soil cropped with winter wheat under drought stress or daily irrigation and fertilization. Irrig. Sci. 16:65-73.
1.29 Hyvönen, R., Ågren, G.I., Andrén, O. & Persson, J. 1996. Modelling long-term carbon and nitrogen dynamics in an arable soil receiving organic matter amendments. Ecol. Appl. 6:1345-1354
1.28 Hansson, A.-C., Zhao, A. and Andrén, O. 1995 Fine-root production in degraded vegetation in Horqin Sandy Rangeland in Inner Mongolia, China. Arid Soil Research and Rehabilitation 9:1-13.
1.27 Zhao, X., Andrén, O. and Zhang X. 1995. Production and distribution pattern of litter on different parts of sand dunes in Horquin Sandy Land. J. Desert Research, supp 1. (In Chinese).
1.26 Pettersson, R., Andrén, O. and Vegh, K. 1993. Growth and nutrient uptake of spring barley under different water and nutrient regimes. Swedish J. agric. Res. 23:171-179.
1.25 Hansson, A.-C., Zhao, A. & Andrén, O.1993 Fine-root growth dynamics of two shrubs in semiarid rangeland in Inner Mongolia, China. Ambio 23:225-228.
1.24 Flink, M., Pettersson, R. & Andrén, O. 1995. Growth dynamics of winter wheat in the field with daily fertilization and irrigation. J. Agronomy and Crop Science 174:239-252.
1.23 Andrén, O., Zhao, X. & Liu, X. 1993. Climate and litter decomposition in Naiman, Inner Mongolia, China. Ambio 23:222-224.
1.22 Kätterer, T., Hansson, A.-C. & Andrén, O. 1993. Wheat root biomass and nitrogen dynamics - effects of daily irrigation and fertilization. Plant and Soil 151:21-30.
1.21 Andrén, O., Hansson, A.-C. & Végh, K. 1993. Barley root growth and nutrient uptake from two soil types in a rhizotron with vertical and horizontal minirhizotrons. Swedish J. agric. Res. 23:115-126.
1.20 Andrén, O., Rajkai, K. & Kätterer, T. 1993. Water and temperature dynamics in a clay soil under winter wheat - influence on straw decomposition and N immobilization. Biol. Fertil. Soils 15:1-8.
1.19 Hansson, A.-C., Steen, E. & Andrén, O. 1992. Root growth in daily irrigated and fertilized spring barley investigated with ingrowth cores, mini-rhizotrons and soil cores. Swedish J. agric. Res. 22:141-152.
1.18 Andrén, O., Steen, E. & Rajkai, K. 1992. Modelling the effects of moisture on barley straw and root decomposition in the field. Soil Biol Biochem. 24:727-736.
1.17 Lagerlöf, J. & Andrén, O. 1991. Abundance and activity of Collembola, Protura and Diplura (Insecta,Apterygota) in four cropping systems. Pedobiologia 35:337-350.
1.16 Andrén, O., Rajkai, K. & Kätterer, T. 1991. A nondestructive technique for studies of root distribution in relation to soil moisture. - Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 34:269-278
1.15 Steen, E. & Andrén, O. 1990. Effects of metribuzin on potato root growth. Swedish Journal of agricultural Research 20:127-133.
1.14 Paustian, K., Andrén, O., Boström, U., Clarholm, M., Hansson, A.-C., Johansson, G., Lagerlöf, J., Lindberg, T., Pettersson, R., Rosswall, T., Schnürer, J., Sohlenius, B. & Steen, E. 1990. Carbon and nitrogen budgets of four agroecosystems with annual and perennial crops, with and without N fertilization. - Journal of Applied Ecology 27(1):60-84.
1.13 Lagerlöf, J., Andrén, O. & Paustian, K. 1989. Dynamics and contribution to carbon flows of Enchytraeidae (Oligochaeta) under four cropping systems. - Journal of Applied Ecology 26:183-199.
1.12 Lagerlöf, J. & Andrén, O. 1988. Abundance and activity of soil mites (Acari) in four cropping systems. Pedobiologia 32:129-145.
1.11 Andrén, O., Paustian, K. & Rosswall, T. 1988. Soil biotic interactions in the functioning of agroecosystems. - Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 24:57-67. (Also published in: Edwards, C.A., Stinner, B.R., Stinner, D. and Rabatin, S (eds) 1988. Biological interactions in the soil. Elsevier ,Amsterdam, pp. 57-67)
1.10 Steen, E., Andrén, O. & Al-Windi I. 1987. Reduced growth of potato roots caused by metribuzin. Swedish Journal of agricultural Research 17:41-46.
1.9 Hansson, A.-C. & Andrén, O. 1987. Root dynamics in barley, meadow fescue and lucerne, investigated with a mini-rhizotron technique. Plant and Soil 103:33-38.
1.8 Andrén, O. 1987. Decomposition in the field of shoots and roots of barley, lucerne and meadow fescue. Swedish Journal of agricultural Research 17:113-122.
1.7 Andrén, O. & Paustian, K. 1987. Barley straw decomposition in the field - a comparison of models. Ecology 68:1190-1200.
1.6 Pettersson, R., Hansson, A.C., Andrén, O. & Steen, E. 1986. Above- and belowground production and nitrogen uptake in lucerne (Medicago sativa). Swedish Journal of agricultural Research 16:167-177.
1.5 Hansson, A.-C. & Andrén, O. 1986. Below-ground plant production in a perennial grass ley (Festuca pratensis Huds.) assessed with different methods. Journal of Applied Ecology 23:657-666.
1.4 Lagerlöf, J. & Andrén, O. 1985. Succession and activity of microarthropods and enchytraeids during barley straw decomposition. Pedobiologia 28:343-357.
1.3 Andrén, O. & Schnürer, J. 1985. Barley straw decomposition with varied levels of microbial grazing by Folsomia fimetaria (L.) (Collembola, Isotomidae). Oecologia (Berlin) 68:57-62.
1.2 Andrén, O. 1985. Microcomputer-controlled extractor for soil microarthropods. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 17:27-30.
1.1 Andrén, O. & Lagerlöf, J. 1983. Soil fauna (microarthropods, enchytraeids, nematodes) in Swedish agricultural cropping systems. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica 33:33-52.
2. Conference proceedings, book chapters etc.:
2.34 Andrén, O., Kätterer, T. , Juston, J. , Waswa, B. In press. Soil carbon dynamics as a result of climate, cropping systems and soil type – rapid calculations using ICBM and agricultural field trial data from sub-Saharan Africa. In Waswa, B and Bationo A. Eds. Long-term field trials in Africa - moving forward.
2.33 Holger Kirchmann, Gudni Thorvaldsson, Lars Bergström, Martin Gerzabek, Olof Andrén, Lars-Olov Eriksson and Mikael Winninge. 2008. Fundamentals of Organic Agriculture – Past and Present. In: Organic Crop Production – Ambitions and Limitations, pp. 13-38. Eds Holger Kirchmann and Lars Bergström. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, ISBN: 978-1-4020-9315-9
2.32 Holger Kirchmann, Lars Bergström, Thomas Kätterer, Olof Andrén and Rune Andersson 2008. Can organic crop production feed the world? In: Organic Crop Production – Ambitions and Limitations, pp.39-72. Eds Holger Kirchmann and Lars Bergström. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, ISBN: 978-1-4020-9315-9
2.31 Olof Andrén, Thomas Kätterer and Holger Kirchmann 2008. How will conversion to organic cereal production affect carbon stocks in Swedish agricultural soils? In: Organic Crop Production – Ambitions and Limitations, pp. 161-172. Eds Holger Kirchmann and Lars Bergström. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, ISBN: 978-1-4020-9315-9
2.30 O Andrén and H Kirchmann 2008 Ekologiskt jordbruk ger mera koldioxid i atmosfären. In: Klimatfrågan på bordet, pp. 299-312. Formas Fokuserar, Stockholm.
2.29 O Andrén and T Kätterer. 2008. Agriculture Systems. In Sven Erik Jørgensen and Brian D. Fath(Editor-in-Chief), Ecosystems. Vol. [1] of Encyclopedia of Ecology, 5 vols. pp. [96-101] Oxford: Elsevier.
2.28 Kirchmann, H., Kätterer, T. & Andrén, O. (2005) Organic farming- Is it the way forward? In : Where Do Fertilizers Go? (eds. F. Bouraoui, B. Grizzetti, D. Mulligan & L. Galbiati), p 201-215. International Workshop, Belgirate, June 28-29, 2005, Italy. European Commission, Joint Research Center, Institute for Environment and Sustainability, Soil and Waste Unit, Ispra, Italy.
2.27 Andrén, O. 2001. Invertebrates, terrestrial, overview. In: Encyclopedia of Biodiversity (Ed: Simon Levin), Volume 3, Academic Press, pp. 561-564.
2.26 Karlsson T, Andrén O and Kätterer T. 2001. ICMB-N, a simple model for including internal soil N fluxes in field-scale balances. Oral presentation at the workshop ‘Element balances as a sustainability tool, Uppsala, 16-17 March 2001. JTI-rapport Landbruk & Industri 281, ISSN 1401-4963, p. 39.
2.25 Karlsson T, Andrén O and Kätterer T. 2001. ICBM/N, a simple model for including internal soil N fluxes in field-scale balances. Proceedings NJF Seminar 322, Ås, Norway, 20-30 March, 6 pp.
2.24 Andrén, O., T. Kätterer and E. Sindhoj. 2001. Elevated CO2 and climate change compared with 30 year annual climate extremes – effects on soil carbon dynamics in a North European grassland. –Proceedings from the Sixth International Carbon Dioxide Conference, Sendai, Japan, October 1-5, 2001, pp. 876-879
2.23 ANDRÉN, Olof; SINDHØJ, Erik; KÄTTERER, Thomas. 2001. Effects of land use and climate change on soil carbon dynamics – modelling scenarios for a North European grassland. -Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Land Degradation, September 17-21, 2001 - Rio de Janeiro – Brazil, CD-ROM, 4 pp
2.22 Andrén, O. and Kätterer, T. 2001. Basic Principles for Soil Carbon Sequestration and Calculating Dynamic Country-level Balances Including Future Scenarios. In: "Assessment Methods for Soil Carbon". Edited by R. Lal, J.M. Kimble, R.F. Follett, and B. A. Stewart, Lewis Publishers.
2.21 Kätterer, T., Reichstein, M., Andrén, O. and Lomander, A. 1998. Temperature control of decomposition rate - a critical review using literature data analysed with different models. Symposium 26, World Congress of Soil Science, Montpellier, France, CD-ROM.
2.20 Webb, N., Jonasson, S., Andrén, O., Anderson, R., Berg, T., Bölter, M., Brussaard, L., Holmstrup, M. Hooper, D., Molau, U., Nelson, B., Thorgeirsson, H. 1998. Mesic tundra: responses to climate change. In: Heal, O.W, Callaghan, T.W. Cornelissen, J.H.C., Körner, C. and Lee, S.E. Global Change in Europe's Cold Regions. European Commission, Ecosystems report 27, 95-104.
2.19 Hooper, David, Olof Andrén, Thomas Berg, Lijbert Brussaard, Tryggve Persson, Bo Svensson. 1998.Integrating processes, mechanisms and organisms: what are the links? In: Heal, O.W, Callaghan, T.W. Cornelissen, J.H.C., Körner, C. and Lee, S.E. Global Change in Europe's Cold Regions. European Commission, Ecosystems report 27, 113-134.
2.18 Kätterer T, Reichsten M, Andrén O and Lomander A. 1997. The temperature dependence of decomposition - a modelling approach. In: A Brandstetter, WW Wenzel, S Schwarz and EH Blum (eds.). Extended abstracts of the international symposium on soil system behaviour in time and space. Communications of the Austrian Soil Science Society 55:137.
2.17 Andrén, O. & Kätterer, T. 1997. Using ICBM, the Introductory Carbon Balance Model, to view soils as simple systems. In: Brandstetter, A., Wenzel, W.W, Schwarz, S. and Blum, W.E.H. Soil System Behaviour in Time and Space. Mitt. d. Österr. Bodenkundl. Ges., H 55, p. 99-101.
2.16 Zhao, X. and Andrén, O. 1993. Litter Decomposition in Naiman, Inner Mongolia, China, in relation to climate and litter (In Chinese, with English summary). In: Li, X. and Zhao, H. (eds) Comprehensive Management of the Environment in Horquin Sandy Land, Gansu Science and Technology Press, pp. 228-238.
2.15 Andrén, O., Bengtsson, J. and Clarholm, M. 1995. Biodiversity and species redundancy among litter decomposers. In: H.P. Collins, G.P. Robertson & M.J. Klug (eds.) The significance and regulation od soil biodiversity. pp. 141-151 Kluwer.
2.14 Zhao, A., Hansson, A.-C. & Andrén, O. Submitted. Below-ground biomass of degraded vegetation in Korqin Sandy Rangeland in Inner Mongolia, China. Submitted to the International Symposium of Grassland Resources, Hohehot, Inner Mongolia, China, August 16-20, 1993.
2.13 Andrén, O. & Steen, E. 1991. Växtnäringsstrategier för miljö och produktion. SLU Info Rapporter Allmänt 175:38 - 42.
2.12 Hansson, A.-C. & Andrén, O. In press. Methods for studying roots in the field. - Proceedings from the International Seminar on Integrated Control of Land Desertification in Lanzhou, IDRAS, China 1987.
2.11 Hansson, A.-C., Andrén, O. & Steen, E. 1991. Root production of four arable crops in Sweden and its effect on abundance of soil organisms. - In: Atkinson, D. (ed.) Plant Root Growth - An Ecological Perspective. British Ecological Society, Special Publ. pp. 247 - 266
2.10 Andrén, O. In press. Can Experiences from Ecological Research in Swedish Arable Land Be of Use in Desertification Research? - Proceedings from the International Seminar on Integrated Control of Land Desertification in Lanzhou, IDRAS, China 1987.
2.9 Rosswall, T., Andrén, O., Lindberg, T. & Paustian, K. 1990 9. Epilogue. In: Andrén, O., Lindberg, T., Paustian, K. & Rosswall, T. (eds) Ecology of Arable Land - Organisms, carbon and nitrogen cycling. Ecol. Bull. 40:193-199.
2.8 Hansson, A.-C., Andrén, O., Boström, S., Boström, U., Clarholm, M., Lagerlöf, J., Pettersson, R., Schnürer, J. & Sohlenius, B. 1990 4. Structure of the agroecosystem. In: Andrén, O., Lindberg, T., Paustian, K. & Rosswall, T. (eds) Ecology of Arable Land - Organisms, carbon and nitrogen cycling. Ecol. Bull. 40:41-83.
2.7 Andrén, O., Lindberg, T, Paustian, K. & Rosswall, T. 1990 . 1. Introduction. In: Andrén, O., Lindberg, T., Paustian, K. & Rosswall, T. (eds) Ecology of Arable Land - Organisms, carbon and nitrogen cycling. Ecol. Bull. 40:9-14.
2.6 Andrén, O., Lindberg, T., Boström, U., Clarholm, M., Hansson, A.-C., Johansson, G., Lagerlöf, J., Paustian, K., Persson, J., Pettersson, R., Schnürer, J., Sohlenius, B. & Wivstad, M. 1990 . 5. Organic carbon and nitrogen flows. In: Andrén, O., Lindberg, T., Paustian, K. &Rosswall, T. (eds) Ecology of Arable Land - Organisms, carbon and nitrogen cycling. Ecol. Bull. 40:85-126.
2.5 Andrén, O., Lindberg, T, Paustian, K. & Rosswall, T. (eds). 1990 . Ecology of arable land -- organisms, carbon and nitrogen cycling. - Ecol. Bull. (Copenhagen) 40, ca 210 pp.
2.4 Andrén, O. 1988. Ecology of Arable Land - an integrated project. - Ecol. Bull. (Copenhagen) 39:131-133.
2.3 Andrén, O., Hansson, A.-C. & Pettersson, R. 1987. Contributions to soil organic matter from four arable crops. - INTECOL Bull. 1987:15:41-47.
2.2 Andrén, O. & Lagerlöf, J. 1983. Succession of soil microarthropods in decomposing barley straw. In: Lebrun, P. André, H.M., De Medts, A., Grégoire-Wibo, C. & Wauthy, G. (eds.) New Trends in Soil Biology, pp. 644-646. Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, Dieu-Brichart.
2.1 Andrén, O. & Lagerlöf, J. 1980. The abundance of soil animals (Microarthropoda, Enchytraeidae, Nematoda) in a crop rotation dominated by ley and in a rotation with varied crops. In: Dindal, D. (ed.) Soil Biology as Related to Land Use Practices. Washington, D.C., Environmental Protection Agency, pp. 274-279.
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