My services
In principle I can help with most science-related planning, evaluation, applications and report writing. A typical task is to cooperate (with or without co-authorship) in a scientific paper or an application. Another typical task can be to evaluate applicants or organizations etc.
- Contribute with skills in soil carbon dynamics, including agricultural measures, root dynamics, biochar effects, climate effects on soil organic matter
- Check manuscripts for logic and language as well as add to scientific content and cited papers
- Co-authorship of scientific papers, including SAS programming for compilation and presentation of results
- Participate in grant applications as co-applicant or not
- Act as external evaluator of individuals, projects, grant applications, institutions etc.
- Revise and improve strategies for research - international, national, institutional
- Act as advisor, board member, or other long-term commitments.
Phone: +46 18 300143
Mob: +46 709 419113